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Banquet Invite Language

NOTE:  Personal invitations are key.  Mass email or social media invitations are much less effective and should only be counted on for extra guests.  Thank you for diligently filling your table.  



Hi ______, 


I want to personally invite you to be my guest at the upcoming Renew Hope Banquet on February 18th at Bunker Hills Event Center.  I must say this event is always amazing but this year is particularly important.  The theme of the banquet is "Close To Home - Social Media and Sex Trafficking". 
As I'm sure you are aware, sex trafficking has been all over the news lately but you may not know that it is right in your neighborhood and social media is exposing every young person to online recruitment.  It truly is too close to home.  

There is no cost to attend the event but it is a fundraiser and an appeal will be made for donations.  Despite the heavy nature of the topic, this is always a fun time with laughter, tears, shock and triumph. I promise, you will have a great time.
All I need from you is to reply and say YES and I'll take care of registering you as a guest at my table.  The meals are all gluten free but if you need vegetarian, please let me know.
If you want to know more about the keynote speaker and entertainment, you can visit the Renew Hope website at:

I look forward to your response soon

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